Alfred Chicken: 1994
Developer: Twilight
Genre: Action
Alfred Chicken Game Manual
Super-Hero with a Bionic Beak! Whoa… Alfred needs your help! The Evil Meka-Chickens have raided the hen house and stolen Alfred’s chick, Floella, and all the little egg-a-roonies! Now, these turkeys say they’ll scramble the eggs. It’s nothing to crow about! An egg-xasperated Alfred Chicken struts off to pluck his loved ones from the dangers of the Meka-Chickens’ world. Remember, while Alfred is a super-hero wannabe, he’s still a ruffled-feather chicken… you gotta help!
Egg-splore way out worlds and warp space. Fight fowl feasting fiends. Find fine feathered friends. Make Meka-Chickens mincemeat. After you play this game, who you think is “Chicken” will never be the same!